Thursday, 28 January 2016

Investigating the benefits of school counselling - Chartered Psychologist leads large scale trial.

"The benefits of professional school-based counsellors in supporting young people experiencing emotional problems will be evaluated through an extensive three-year study, which will establish a dedicated counselling service in 18 English secondaries.
"The randomised controlled trial, due to start in April 2016, has received £835,000 funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and will be led by Chartered Psychologist Professor Mick Cooper from the University of Roehampton in London." 
"Participating schools will receive a professional school-based counselling service provided by fully qualified and experienced school counsellors at no cost for two years. School who are interested should"

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Children Focusing ** Felt Sense with René Veugelers

Mind your ‘C’s and ‘S’s: The Language of Self-harm and Suicide (and why it matters)

By Emma Nielsen

"We all say things that we don’t mean sometimes. Perhaps the time that you snapped at the end of a long day or said that deliberately hurtful comment in the heat of an argument. Sometimes these instances are easily recognisable (perhaps easily apologised for). However, often our language conveys more subtle messages as well."

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Alistair Burt talks about plans to improve children and young people’s mental health including a national anti-stigma campaign for teenagers

"Today we’re talking about nothing short of the biggest transformation to young people’s mental health and one of the largest investments the sector has seen. I want to place the emphasis on building young people’s resilience, promoting good mental health and wellbeing and intervening early. We need to build care around the needs of young people and their families. I want to deliver a clear joined-up approach to mental health care, so children and young people can navigate through the system to get the care they need."