Monday 15 July 2019

"Save the Children's Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Policy Position"

This policy position sets out principles for Save the Children's advocacy as it relates to the spectrum of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression (SOGIE). It aims to better protect the rights of children who are seen as not conforming to conventional norms relating to SOGIE. The SOGIE policy and Gender Equality Policy are mutually supportive—the SOGIE policy provides additional guidance for staff implementing the movement-wide Gender Equality Policy.



Monday 1 July 2019

"Relationships, health and sex education statutory guidance: CASPAR briefing"

Last updated: 28 Jun 2019
Summary of key points

Our briefing sets out a summary of the key points covered in the guidance, including
  • developing a policy
  • content of relationships education, sex education and health education in primary and secondary schools
  • parents' rights to withdraw
  • whole school approach
  • safeguarding
  • information for parents.

The DfE recognises the need for teachers in to be trained to deliver high quality Relationships Education, RSE and Health Education, and is committed to supporting state funded schools to deliver teaching around these subjects in a coordinated and coherent way across the curriculum (DfE, 2019b).
