Tuesday, 23 January 2018

The Welsh Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) and Resilience Survey

“The Welsh Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) and Resilience Survey was undertaken to examine individual and community factors that may offer protection from the harmful impacts of ACEs on health, well-being and prosperity across the life course. Resilience is described as the ability to overcome serious hardships such as those presented by ACEs.

The survey measured access to various sources of resilience in both childhood (personal, relational and community resources; social and leisure activities; relationships with adults) and adulthood (current personal, relationship and community resources; social and leisure activities; expectations of support from services; perceived financial security; and community culture and traditions).”

link to document

Monday, 15 January 2018

CORC - Child Outcomes Research Consortium

Results from Headstart Annual Survey - Executive Summary

Implications and recommendations

1. High rates of mental health problems in this population highlight the importance of finding the best means to promote positive wellbeing, and to prevent and address mental health problems.
2. Tackling mental health problems may involve tackling social inequalities due to the consistent association between deprivation and mental health problems which was evident in the results of this survey.
3. It should not be assumed that young people from minority ethnic groups are at greater risk of mental health problems; this is not the case based on current evidence. In addition, those from different minority ethnic backgrounds should not be grouped together in analysis of the prevalence of mental health.

Wellbeing Measurement Frameworks - Primary, Secondary, College