Saturday, 29 June 2019

"Best practice for supporting bereaved children who have SEND"

"Sarah Helton, a special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) teacher from South Somerset, travelled to Denmark, Norway and the USA to investigate best practice in supporting bereaved children who have SEND."

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust - accessed 29-06-19

For full report - 

Monday, 10 June 2019

Gender and sexual identity - NSPCC

"Childline carried out 6,014 counselling sessions with children and young people about issues relating to gender and sexuality last year - on average 16 a day1.
Childline figures from the past 12 months show:
  • 12 to 15-year-olds were the most common age group to contact Childline about gender and sexual identity
  • 409 of the counselling sessions were with 11-year-olds or younger
  • an approximately 80% increase in the number of views of its gender identity webpage in the last year2."
Link accessed 10-06-19

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Wednesday, 5 June 2019

"Integrated counselling and coaching with young people"

BACP Children, Young People and Families, March 2019

"Young people seeking help for emotional difficulties may also have to deal with a variety of interrelated issues. These challenges may include, for example, developing career plans, fostering greater autonomy and independence, building new relationships,  and managing pressures from peers and from institutions.  The challenge for counsellors and psychotherapists, then,  is how best to help young people to address together their psychological difficulties, as well as these social and developmental aspects. While counselling for young people has been useful, clients have fed back their preference  for more proactive and goal-focused approaches."
