17th September 2020 | By: Michelle Cunliffe
"Today, a new and independent expert body, the UK Trauma Council (UKTC), launches with an appeal for an energetic and sustained response to childhood trauma. Its launch is timely, in light of increasing evidence of the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown on child mental health."
"The UKTC brings together 22 leading experts in research, policy and practice from all four nations of the UK, making it a unique multi-disciplinary group which will drive positive change in the care and support provided to children and young people who have been exposed to different forms of traumatic event – including single incidents, as well as abuse and neglect. It will empower professionals and local communities in supporting children and young people. It is hosted and supported by the Anna Freud Centre."
"In ‘Beyond the pandemic: Strategic priorities for responding to childhood trauma’, published today, the UKTC identifies three ways in which the pandemic is impacting on the experience of childhood trauma:
"It increases the risk that more children will be exposed to trauma, including through sudden bereavement or exposure to domestic violence; It increases the likelihood that those with prior experiences of trauma (for example, because of abuse) will experience significant difficulties; and it compromises the ability of adults and professional systems to identify a struggling child and mitigate the impact of trauma, including mental health problems."
"The UKTC explains that the consequences for those affected may be profound and lifelong, unless there are clear UK-wide responses which seek to support children and young people. Professor Eamon McCrory, Co-Director of the UKTC, says: “Across the UK, there exists enormous expertise about what support children need following experiences of trauma, but we do not always make best use of it. The UK Trauma Council will harness this expertise and help others learn from it. Perhaps never before has there been such a pressing need for collaboration across communities, professionals and services at national and local levels, in the interests of children and young people.”"
"David Trickey, Co-Director of the UKTC, adds: “None of us has escaped the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown, but some have been more affected than others. For many children and young people, particularly those who have lived through previous trauma, the pandemic represents a series of potentially traumatic events. We should be in no doubt that this could have far-reaching consequences for their lives unless appropriate evidence based help is available. We are seeing an increased need for services, and there is a need for a new energy in supporting children if we are to successfully mitigate against the impact of the pandemic.”"
"The UKTC makes four recommendations in response to the pandemic, which it addresses to government departments, professional bodies, and those developing policy and practice. These are to:
- Prioritise responding to trauma in national and local strategies;
- Invest in specialist trauma provision for children and young people;
- Equip all professionals who work with children and young people with the skills and capacity to support those who have experienced trauma;
- Shift models of help towards prevention, through research, clinical innovation and training.
"Each recommendation is followed by suggested steps to be taken to achieve it, often focusing on the need for increased collaboration and the harnessing of existing expertise. With examples of specialist expertise and ground-breaking work emerging across the four nations, the UKTC will provide a platform for this to be more fully utilised than at present."