Tuesday, 10 July 2018

CHAPTER 17 - “Supervising online counsellors of young people” – Jan Stiff (Excerpt)

"At a time where the provision of online counselling for young people is expanding, yet there is a scarceness of supervisors trained in online supervision, this chapter aims to provide an introduction to the role of the online supervisor (CYP) offering supervision to counsellors counselling young people online with insights from personal practice. Since every young client, every online supervisee and every online supervisor are unique, some points within this chapter are likely to be up for discussion and I would welcome readers’ feedback."Introduction"The first part of this chapter begins by providing a broad account of the typical world of a young person followed with an explanation of the differences between online counselling and face to face counselling within this age group. There are a number of significant differences between counselling young people online and counselling adults online. These can be attributed to differences in lifestyles, emotional and physical and intellectual development and behaviours as well as issues around mental health and available support and treatment for this age group. I feel it is important to focus upon these differences within this chapter, suggesting that an online supervisor (CYP) requires a comprehensive understanding of these differences to ensure they provide effective and safe online supervision for counsellors counselling young people online""The second part of this chapter proposes a model for online supervisors’ work that provides a flexible framework for online supervision (CYP) that incorporates these differences and reflects upon the value of the relationship between the online supervisee and online supervisor.""No differentiation is made between either asynchronous or synchronous forms of online supervision (CYP) or online counselling (CYP). Both are applicable.""The term “online supervisor (CYP)” will be used for online supervisors providing supervision for counsellors, counselling children and young people online. “Online supervisee (CYP)” will be used for counsellors counselling children and young people online, where “children” are secondary school age and above and “young people” can be understood to be adolescents up to the age of 21."

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