“Multi-agency working is key to effective safeguarding and
child protection (Sidebotham et al, 2016).
Children and their families will access a range of services
throughout a child's life. It's vital that practitioners work together to gain
a full overview
of a child's situation and have a co-ordinated approach to support.
of a child's situation and have a co-ordinated approach to support.
Case reviews in each of the UK nations emphasise the
importance of information sharing and collaboration between agencies so that
professionals can fully understand any risks a child may be exposed to and take
appropriate action to keep them safe.
We’ve pulled together learning for best practice about
multi-agency working from analyses of case reviews across the UK and Ofsted’s
analysis of joint targeted area inspection (JTAI) reports in England. See the
references tab for details of these reports.”
NSPCC Learning accessed 04.03.19
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