Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Consultancy Work - April 2020 - updated June 2020

Access available for members and non-members. 
FAQ's via the following link - 

FAQs - Working Online With Children and Young People

"During this period of isolation, change and loss, access to online counselling and support services is likely to be crucial to many children, young people and families. The profession is changing on a daily basis, adapting to new challenges and providing services that may focus more on building resilience, keeping children and young people safe and checking well-being."

"While this guidance does not replace the experience and knowledge gained through appropriate, formal training, it will help you make informed choices and decisions that are in the best interests of your young clients."

"Comprehensive answers to most of these questions will require additional knowledge, learning and expertise gained through your practice, training and supervision.
Replacing face-to-face contact with digital platforms may suit some children, but not others, so we need to continue to be mindful of individual assessment and choice."

"We'll continue to amend and update our FAQs in line with current good practice guidance."

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