Tuesday, 30 July 2013

NCVYS Exchange Magazine - July 2013

This is Exchange Issue 16. Featuring articles from Youth Access, Mental Health Foundation/Paul Hamlyn Foundation, We Have A Voice, YoungMinds, The Cabinet as well as news on NCVYS and ENVOY events


Key Data On Adolescence  - 2013


From the "Association For Young People's Health"


The latest information and statistics about young people today. 



Friday, 5 July 2013

"Opening the door to better healthcare: Ensuring general practice is working for children and young people" - NCB report

May 2013 - A report published by the NCB (National Children's Bureau)

"This report examines the available evidence on how well general practice is delivering for children and young people, including the evidence on their experiences of the services and the particular challenges they face in accessing them. Key challenge areas such as access, expertise, communication and incentives for service improvement are considered. It also examines some of the approaches to addressing those challenges, and in some areas pursued in practice."


"A Need to Belong" - What leads girls to join gangs....


Risk factors for gang affiliation

Existing literature highlights a wide range of risk factors for females to become members of gangs. These include:
•severe childhood behavioural problems and mental ill health
•poor maternal mental health, exposure to violence in the home and experience of
•low academic aspiration and disengagement with school
•association with antisocial or gang-involved peers and peer rejection or victimisation
•feeling unsafe or marginalised in their neighbourhood
•high income inequalities and social influences that devalue female roles