Wednesday, 2 August 2017

The AE Process

"Simply put, the AE Process is a way for people with Asperger’s and their families to have a better life. It was created by people with Asperger’s, and has now been tested with tens of thousands of people all around the world.
There are 3 main parts to successfully implementing the AE Process. These are: Community & CapacityCulture & Connection and Change.
The entirety of the AE Process DOES NOT need to be implemented at once to see results. Pick 1 box, implement it, then pick another.Start with whatever piece you feel suits you best, and then move to the next. We suggest you move from left to right: Establish a solid foundational community and emotional capacity, then work on Culture & Connection and finally learn how to effectively change."

The more you implement, the more results you’ll see.
Watch the video below -

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