Monday 11 May 2020

"Research helps police understand child to parent abuse more than ever before"

"The study aimed to explore better ways to understand child to parent violence and highlight the need to formally recognise this within law enforcement and social services. Their aim was to develop new ways to prevent such abuse in the home and provide appropriate support to families.

The results of their research have now been made public and highlight that addressing CCVAB requires a multi-agency partnership approach.

The research team found a lack of coordination and information sharing between health, mental health, education, social care and criminal justice services. This meant that the police are often unaware of known concerns or follow-on actions that have been identified but are still required to respond to calls.

In particular, they found that link between school exclusion and attendance and incidents of CCVAB in the home requires further examination. They also identified the need for adult and child safeguarding teams to work more closely in these cases.

The study also recommends that recognising and recording CCVAB is an essential first step in understanding the extent and profile of this form of abuse."
From - Link

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